The Student Disability Resource Center is part of the division of Health, Well-being, and Safety.

The Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) is open during regular business hours, Monday-Friday, from 8:00am-5:00pm (except University Holidays and Closures, and periodic department training/in-service events). The SDRC may be reached at 951-827-3861 or To register for services, please visit this webpage. To request an appointment with a disability specialist, please go to the Appointment Request Form. If you plan to come to the SDRC offices or Testing Center (at Student Services Building), please read this information before you go.


Steps to Accessing Approved Accommodations


1. NOTIFY faculty of your approved accommodations

  • Complete Quarterly Letters to Faculty Module in R'Ability
    • select which faculty/class will receive the letter of accommodation
    • select which approved accommodation(s) you would like to have access to for each course
    • select Submit: a link to the “Letter of Accommodation” will be sent automatically to the faculty member

Please Note: This is NOT a request for accommodations, it’s only a notification to your faculty about accommodations you would like to have access to in their course.

2. REQUEST Approved Accommodations

  • Test/Exam/Final with accommodations at SDRC Testing Center can be scheduled using the R’Ability  Exam/Test booking Module. Please email if you have questions about scheduling or taking tests/exams/finals at the SDRC Testing Center.
    • ALL requests must be completed in R’Ability at least 10 days before scheduled exam date and at least 14 days before the final exams.
    • For non-traditional exams, such as comprehensive/qualifying exams, or exams for courses you are not currently registered for, please email
  • Note Taker – Request via R’Ability module. If any questions about requesting a note taker, please email to
  • Adaptive Furniture Placement: Complete and submit the Adaptive Furniture Request Form.  It may take up to five days to process. For questions about adaptive furniture, please email  Not available for remote instructions.
  • Alternate Media/E-Text: Request Alternate Media/E-text formats using R'Ability Alternate Format Textbooks Module. Please e-mail if you have questions. It may take up to three weeks to complete requests.
  • Accessible Technology: Call (951) 827-3861 to schedule an appointment with the accessible technology specialist.
  • FM System: Email the following details to class location, schedule, time, days of class meetings. Some classrooms do already have multimedia capabilities, so please utilize.
  • ASL or CART Services: Email It may take up to three weeks to make arrangements.
  • Housing, Meals/Dinning, or other type of accommodations: Please contact SDRC email for guidance.  Please visit the Dining Menus website for accessible nutritional options.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY:  Students who use the SDRC for exams, note sharing, or other accommodations are expected to adhere to UCR Student Conduct Code and Academic Integrity policies. Violations of policy may result in referral to the Student Conduct & Academic Integrity Programs office for possible disciplinary action.


Tutorials for R’Ability Online Services