The Student Disability Resource Center is part of the division of Health, Well-being, and Safety.

The Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) is open during regular business hours, Monday-Friday, from 8:00am-5:00pm (except University Holidays and Closures, and periodic department training/in-service events). The SDRC may be reached at 951-827-3861 or To register for services, please visit this webpage. To request an appointment with a disability specialist, please go to the Appointment Request Form. If you plan to come to the SDRC offices or Testing Center (at Student Services Building), please read this information before you go.


Computer Aided Real-Time Captioning (CART)

If a student in your course has requested Computer Aided Real-Time Captioning (CART) as an accommodation, a staff member from SDRC will contact you via email to find out more information about your course. Please be aware that vendors are currently only providing virtual services at this time. Therefore, SDRC will need to work with you and the student regarding the use of technology to ensure the student has access to CART while doing coursework. SDRC may at times be able to secure in-person CART providers, but should not be expected as an option to virtual interpreting services.

CART Services and Zoom (Verbit)

SDRC will schedule a Verbit captioner to provide CART services to students who have been approved for that accommodation. Please provide the Zoom meeting link and password to “Verbit captions” is the Participant name of the Verbit captioner that will attend the meeting.

Zoom: Sharing the API Token with the Verbit Captioner

To allow Verbit to caption the meeting, please share the API token with Verbit in a message. The Verbit captioner will send the host a message when the meeting begins, reminding the host to share the API token. Instructions can be found below:
  1. The Host selects “CC.”
  2. Select “Copy the API token.”
  3. Paste the API token into a chat message to the participant “Verbit captions.”

FM Systems

RISE Classrooms: FM Systems are built into the rooms. Multimedia Technologies' Jorge Macias will assist you and student in the setup of microphone and student device for hearing.
Non-RISE Classrooms: for student FM SYSTEM use, you may need to wear a separate mic for student portable FM System. Multimedia Technologies' Jorge Macias will assist you and student in the setup of microphone and student device for hearing.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact